i have never ever hate something so much, or someone.. im so fucking angry i cry out loud. i slam the door and wanna destroy everything that is available here
forgot to tell ya
i throw up yesterday, it was not on purpose. it just came.
long time, no see
im sorry, i will update more than before.. promise. i've spent the morning at the hospital, but they can't find anything.. i feel sick. i havn't been in school all week and now it's wednesday. i'll be lagging behind in all subjects.. sux. im going to the gynecologist tomorrow, and that really scared me out. IM FUCKING SHAKING HERE.
help, please help.

help, please help.

no way-
im a fake.
im a fake.
im sorry i havn't write for a long time. life have been up and down.. atm it's down, very very far down. im fucing eating. all the fucking time. got to stop. nownownoooow. I CAN DO IT I KNOW.
lots of love to you.

yea, it's me on tha pic
lots of love to you.

yea, it's me on tha pic
you don't have to read all this..
i don't know if everything i'm writing is just some fucking shit.. but i don't care, i really have to write now. and if you don't wanna read it, don't! anyway.. i over-slept today, it fucking sucks 'cause i came 20 minutes late to the english-test vi had in this morning. but OF COURSE i had been practicing the wrong things.. everything's shit today, the weather too. it's slush-snow and rain, does it sounds nice? no no no.
i went home. of course, i'm so weak. why can't i be strong and stay in school? my head bangs again. and i feel faint. haven't eat anything for two days now. i ate some bread at tuseday but since then i've only been drinking tea, pepsi max, fun light juice, water .. how long can i go throw this? i hope no one will notice anything. in two days it's one-week holiday. and it's my birthday on tuseday. after the holiday, i promise myself; i'll be in school and not be sick or at home.
i hope.
i went home. of course, i'm so weak. why can't i be strong and stay in school? my head bangs again. and i feel faint. haven't eat anything for two days now. i ate some bread at tuseday but since then i've only been drinking tea, pepsi max, fun light juice, water .. how long can i go throw this? i hope no one will notice anything. in two days it's one-week holiday. and it's my birthday on tuseday. after the holiday, i promise myself; i'll be in school and not be sick or at home.
i hope.
soon i'll get my period and im gonna be sooo hungry for chocolate. just look at this.. soon it's valentine's day, and its just chocolate and hearts. my boyfriend isn't even at home. he's going ski. my birthday is the day after valentines day, i hope no one gives me chocolate!

my party was fucking awesome<33333333333333
im eating
im eating. im eating. im eating. help. im eating chocolate.
let's crawl back to life
good morning beautiful!
i wake up around 05.40, 'cause my best friend texted me. haha.. usually i don't wake up of that sound, weird. but i couln't fell asleep again so i started to study! THATS WEIRD TOO! Anyway.. my day is fucking stressful today. no rest!
i wake up around 05.40, 'cause my best friend texted me. haha.. usually i don't wake up of that sound, weird. but i couln't fell asleep again so i started to study! THATS WEIRD TOO! Anyway.. my day is fucking stressful today. no rest!
heyy man
yeah, i swam today. and soon i'll yoga :D /like.
what happened darling?
im kind of.. happy (?). haha.. i really don't know, i think i should stop with this shit soon. stop to write just for the writing thing! im tired and school starts soon, we're gonna make our choice today, at 08.50 am. kind of scared. i drank tea for breakfast and yeasterday i juste ate some cake batter, i know its many calories in that.. i haven't eat for long time..!
nothing helps.
damn, feels like im going to fall asleep right now. on my computer. haha.. im wweird.
new showered.
mjao. school soon
school tomorrow, dunno how i feel about it. im gonna hide inside a cover of make-up.
im gonna buy this shoes

nothing in ma' head
and im dead. DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN. why do they always make me cry?
some pleasure for you..
Shoes you wore today? - black heels
Your weaknesses? - no one knows
Fear? - life
Your goal? - be happy, always.
Pepsi or Coke? - pepsi max.
McDonalds or Burger King? - no thanks
Adidas or Nike? - adidas
Chocolate or vanilla? - chocolate ffs! <3
Do you swear? - yes.
DO you sing? - yes.
Showers you every day? - hmm almost.
Do you like school? - yes and no.
Do you believe in yourself? - sometimes.
Do you agree with your parents? - no
Do you have in the past month ..
Drinking alcohol? - yes, this weekend.
Shopped? - maybe, dunno.
Eaten an entire box of muesli? - damn no.
Eaten sushi? - No, ugh.
Been on stage? - you might say.
Skate? - No
Baked? - yes!
Stole something? - yes.
Have you ever ..
Passed out or been really drunk? - yes
Been called a whore? - yes
Been depressed? - yes
In the future
What do you want to be when you grow old? - i don't wanna grow old.
Would you kill someone? - i don't think so
Would you die for someone? - yes
Number of piercings? - just ears
Number of tattoos? - no, but soon one.
Number of things I regret:? - oh, i on't know.
How old are you? - soon 17th
How do you think you have it at home? - ok
Do you have good self-esteem? - sometimes.
Can you trust yourself? - no.
How do you feel your life is? - good!
Do you have a good life, do you think? - yes, it has its moments.
Would you change anything in your life? - yes
Are you happy about your body? - No
Something you want to change over your body? - yes, much.
Can you say that you think you're cute? - sometimes. But no one wants to be cute?
Do you have a boyfriend? - yes!
Do you like anyone now? - yes.
Called? - ******
Do you find yourself with some guy? - many.
Do you like long or short conditions most? - long
Do you have good friends? - I have the finest friends.
Do you like being with your friends? - yes, of course.
Do you have many friends? - yes!
Your weaknesses? - no one knows
Fear? - life
Your goal? - be happy, always.
Pepsi or Coke? - pepsi max.
McDonalds or Burger King? - no thanks
Adidas or Nike? - adidas
Chocolate or vanilla? - chocolate ffs! <3
Do you swear? - yes.
DO you sing? - yes.
Showers you every day? - hmm almost.
Do you like school? - yes and no.
Do you believe in yourself? - sometimes.
Do you agree with your parents? - no
Do you have in the past month ..
Drinking alcohol? - yes, this weekend.
Shopped? - maybe, dunno.
Eaten an entire box of muesli? - damn no.
Eaten sushi? - No, ugh.
Been on stage? - you might say.
Skate? - No
Baked? - yes!
Stole something? - yes.
Have you ever ..
Passed out or been really drunk? - yes
Been called a whore? - yes
Been depressed? - yes
In the future
What do you want to be when you grow old? - i don't wanna grow old.
Would you kill someone? - i don't think so
Would you die for someone? - yes
Number of piercings? - just ears
Number of tattoos? - no, but soon one.
Number of things I regret:? - oh, i on't know.
How old are you? - soon 17th
How do you think you have it at home? - ok
Do you have good self-esteem? - sometimes.
Can you trust yourself? - no.
How do you feel your life is? - good!
Do you have a good life, do you think? - yes, it has its moments.
Would you change anything in your life? - yes
Are you happy about your body? - No
Something you want to change over your body? - yes, much.
Can you say that you think you're cute? - sometimes. But no one wants to be cute?
Do you have a boyfriend? - yes!
Do you like anyone now? - yes.
Called? - ******
Do you find yourself with some guy? - many.
Do you like long or short conditions most? - long
Do you have good friends? - I have the finest friends.
Do you like being with your friends? - yes, of course.
Do you have many friends? - yes!